- balance of debt
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English-russian dctionary of diplomacy. 2014.
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy. 2014.
Debt settlement — Debt settlement, also known as debt arbitration, debt negotiation or credit settlement, is an approach to debt reduction in which the debtor and creditor agree on a reduced balance that will be regarded as payment in full.[1] Debt settlement is… … Wikipedia
debt — n [Old French dette, ultimately from Latin debita, plural of debitum debt, from neuter of debitus, past participle of debere to owe] 1: something owed: as a: a specific sum of money or a performance due another esp. by agreement (as a loan… … Law dictionary
Debt-for-nature swap — Debt for nature swaps are financial transactions in which a portion of a developing nation s foreign debt is forgiven in exchange for local investments in environmental conservation measures. Contents 1 History 2 How Debt for Nature Swaps Work 3… … Wikipedia
balance due — index arrears, bill (invoice), nonpayment Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Debt arbitration — is the industry created around the practice of debt settlement. Debt arbitrators are third party institutions that work on behalf of their clients to negotiate out of court settlements for old bills, invoices, lawsuits, liens, medical bills,… … Wikipedia
balance transfer — UK US noun [C] ► FINANCE a situation in which debt on a credit card is moved to a different card, usually to get a better interest rate: »The way to refinance credit card debt is through a balance transfer. »balance transfer rate/offer … Financial and business terms
Debt negotiation — is the process of negotiating with a creditor to pay off a percentage of a balance owed on old bills, invoices, lawsuits, liens, medical bills, utility bills, and judgments. This process is commonly used in debt settlement and debt arbitration.… … Wikipedia
debt — debt, indebtedness, obligation, liability, debit, arrear mean something, and especially a sum of money, that is owed another. Debt usually implies that the amount is owed in return for goods, property, or services and can be definitely computed… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
balance of (international) payments — or balance of payments n. a balance estimated for a given time period showing an excess or deficit in total payments of all kinds between one country and another country or other countries, including exports and imports, grants, debt payments,… … Universalium
balance of (international) payments — or balance of payments n. a balance estimated for a given time period showing an excess or deficit in total payments of all kinds between one country and another country or other countries, including exports and imports, grants, debt payments,… … English World dictionary
balance of (international) payments — or balance of payments n. a balance estimated for a given time period showing an excess or deficit in total payments of all kinds between one country and another country or other countries, including exports and imports, grants, debt payments,… … English World dictionary